#careerAMA with Michael and Mark

#careerAMA (Career Ask Me Anything) with Michael and Mark is a short video series focused on helping you level up in your career and in life. Each week, we answer real questions from real people just like you who are at a crossroads in their careers.

Submit your question using the recorder or the form below.

Check out the previous episodes here on YouTube.

Look forward to hearing from you!

Ask a Question...

Find a quiet place and record a question about a recent episode, or a question that will help you in your career. If we can, we'll answer it on the air. Thanks for listening!

The tool we use to record questions works with the latest versions of Chrome and Firefox on Android devices. It also now works with iOS and Safari too.

Prefer submitting your question using a form instead? See below.

All the fields (except for “Question”) are optional. We’d love to get to know you, but it’s also ok to keep your identity anonymous if it’s more comfortable.