The Questions for Transformation

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What do you think? the curiosity-activation question.  

What are you assuming is true? the uncovering question.  

Whose voice is missing? the echo-chamber question.  

What is your third-best idea? the keep-digging question.  

What didn’t you say that needs saying? the go-where-the-fear-is question.  


Who challenges my beliefs? the healthy self-doubt question

How is my idea wrong? the question that acknowledges your fallibility

What is my blind spot? the problematic-patterns question

When was the last time I was wrong? the reality-check question

Am I okay with not knowing? the courage-to-be-humble question


What’s the worst that could happen? the question that puts a name on our fears

What’s the cost of staying safe? the other reality-check question

What am I afraid to do? the find-your-fear question

How can I lead out loud here? the power-of-vulnerability question

When did I last ask for help?  the litmus-test question


Where are we really going? the destination question.

What is most important? the values question

Is this who we are? the accountability question

Who would know best? the validation question

Can we discuss our differences? the permission question

Bonus question: What am I hiding from you? the self-awareness question


What have I learned from my failures? the pivot question

Do I have the stomach for the long game? the fortitude question

What is the cost of replicating our success? the dark-side question

How do I stop being the center of the universe? the step-back-and-see-myself question

How would I disrupt me? the changing-myself question


When are you at your best? the appreciative-inquiry question

How will we know when things have started to go sideways? the permission-to-not-be-perfect question

How could we work better together next time? the continuous-improvement question

What really matters to you? the “But who are you really?” question

What do you want from me? the bottom-line question