Shepherding Change

Advising and Consulting

Why do you need a Change Shepherd?

Even though you and your team may have the understanding of how change works and your role in it, you may not know where to begin.  In our Shepherding Change program, we do what a shepherd does—guide and watch over.  We start by getting clear on the Six Core Capabilities of Change and how they actually show up in organizations.  Then we put in place the dialogic behaviors the begin to grow these capabilities in the context of your daily work lives, and the lives of those you lead (or, in less fancy terms, we change the conversation to change the organization).  We help you identify the bright spots in the organization and bring together the coalition of the willing to see transformation in your organization and begin the process of spreading the virus of change for good.  Based on the principles in the highly-regarded The Heart of Transformation: Build the Human Capabilities that Change Organizations for Good, we set you on a course of change leadership, walk with you along that road, and help you see and address the pitfalls along the way.

Struggling Moments

You’ve started to get understanding and buy-in from your organization around the need to build change as a capability, but you need help maintaining momentum and deciding where to focus your efforts and limited resources.  You need someone who’s been there before to help guide you and your organization on the journey to becoming Change-Able.

How it’s done (The Basics of Shepherding Change)

Shepherding Change is built on the metaphor of the shepherd; someone who watches over, looks after, and guides. 

  • We start by identifying the bright spots or coalitions of the willing in your organization; the places we can change culture by changing the culture (more to come on that). 

  • An assessment with our Change Capability Index is also useful in identifying the areas of the most leverage in building change as a capability and driving transformation.  

  • Specific dialogic interventions, and any development needed, are built and implemented in our bright spots and impact is assessed.  Our process includes the facilitation of bright spot groups or teams as they implement the capabilities in current work situations–the work is not theoretical or classroom-based application is immediate and contextual. 

  • Coaching and advisory for the key leaders in the organization and bright spot groups, as well as team development, rounds out the Change Shepherding process.

This service is based on a standard template for building change as a capability, but is co-created with the client as the organization progresses.  Generally the work is front-loaded with the activities to launch and then continued on a retainer basis to provide support to the organization until no longer needed.

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